This is used to convey information and data to developers of the Polyphonic Pitch Engine.

This is the Music Library. Here you will find a repository of websites and videos that will provide you with information about music in general. The Music Library is open to all MusAPPTM members.

The Teacher's Lounge is for MusAPPTM teachers only. The Teacher's Lounge is the place where teachers can interact with each other. Here, you can talk about how your are using MusAPPTM, report bugs, and make improvement suggestions. Teachers can also share about their programs. It is a place where MusAPPTM teachers can brag about their students, get help with problems, and discuss teaching techniques and procedures. This is also the location for teacher training about how to teach using MusAPPTM .

This will help non-group members find a clubhouse teacher or tutor that will let them join their group for a fee.